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Manganese, Iron, and Cobalt sol'n, for use (as required) in conjunction with: Isol8 Hexad; Isol8 MT; or individual Isol8 minor and trace element solutions. 


In recirculating marine systems housing primary producers (including zooxanthellae), Mn, Fe, and Co are typically depleted more rapidly than are the remaining critical trace elements (provided in Isol8 Hexad).  Splitting the critial minor and trace elements into two solutions (Isol8 Triad and Isol8 Hexad) based upon relative depletion rates enables the system technician to apply appropriate volumes as dictated by system values.  Neither Isol8 Triad nor Hexad provide fluoride, rubidium, or chromium; to supplement those elements, apply Isol8 F, Isol8 Rb, and Isol8 Cr, respectively, as system requirements dictate.

Isol8:Triad 500 mL

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